Smart Tag'n'Track Solutions

Kingscote is pioneer in offering ‘Asset Tracking Solutions’ (ATS) and ‘Computerised Maintenance Management Systems’ (CMMS), we have more than a decade of industry experience. Over the years we have been helping government, large and medium size organisations in tracking and maintaining their ‘Facilities and Assets’ in optimal condition. Solutions offered by us includes:

Our RFID Solutions

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Tag & Track Asset Management

Office Equipment Management
Museum Assets Management
Hotel Assets Management
Hospital Assets Management
Container Tracking Management
Property Management
Service Management

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Smart Warehouse Automation

Receiving Process
Put away Process
Storage Process
Picking Process
Packing Process
Shipping Process
Delivery Process

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Smart Live Stock Management

Complete Cattle Management
Birth to Plate Tracking
Health Management
Breeding Management
Sales Projections
People Tracking
Staff Movement Tracking
Students Tracking
Attendance & Access Control


Smart & Secure Paper Solutions

Legal & Contractual Documents
Products, Events & Marketing Material
Smart Business Cards
Maintenance Management Solution
Facilities & Assets (Fixed/Movable)
Preventive Maintenance Planning
Overall Equipment Effectiveness System

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Smart People Management

Using RFID for:

Staff Movement Tracking
Student Tracking
Attendance & Access Control 

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Maintenance Management Solution

Facilities & Assets (Fixed/Movable)
Preventive Maintenance Planning
Overall Equipment Effectiveness System

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

drop us a line and keep in touch

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Call : (013) 814-3773

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Power Flow Company
2784 – Prince Saad bin Abdul Aziz Street, Ibn- Khaldun Dist 7919, Dammam 32253E PO BOX 157

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